Uniting Runners On The Web

runyourcity.jpgI recently received an invite from Ryan Song, owner of great new web site, asking if I’d like my Run Bulldog Run blog to be added as a start page for Virginia Beach on his all-new project. The project is still quite new but sounded like a great idea, so off I went to check it out. Here’s what I found:

According to Ryan’s About page, the goal of is

To provide a central location for all running bloggers to gather. After doing a lot of searching, I realized that many really good blogs weren’t getting much traffic and very few in any comments. It was immediately obvious that certain runners would benefit reading each other’s blog, especially those in the same city. Not too long after, I decided to open RunYourCity.

Seems like a good idea to me! The list of cities is growing and currently include Chicago, Denver, New York, San Francisco to name just a few. Click on a city and you’ll find information such as places to run, links to local runners’ blogs, places to shop and a list of running clubs in the area.

There’s also a book club where you can read and contribute about running books and other running-related topics, a useful video library featuring strength training, stretching, healthy eating and product reviews and a RunYourCity online store.

As mentioned earlier, is still in its infancy, but could well become a great resource for the online running community. Nice work Ryan!

By the way, if you don’t see your city, click here to get in touch with Ryan – you may be able to get your blog and city listed on his site.

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