McMillan Custom Marathon Plan: Week 20 Day 2

Week 20, Day 2
Phase: Peak
Workout: 15 to 30 minute Warm-Up + Stride Workout: 8 to 10 times 25 seconds with 1 minute recovery jog between + 15 to 30minute Cool-down
Purpose: Build Sprint – leg turnover and lactic acid tolerance
Confidence boosting run today!

I warmed up for about 20 minutes before starting my 8 x 25 seconds with 1 minute recovery jog between each “strider”. Just like last night I felt really good and gradually increased the pace slightly on each repeat.

The cool down was just a couple of miles back to the house, by which time it was pretty dark and quite chilly. Nice workout and good to stretch my legs without really stressing them before Saturday’s marathon…

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