McMillan Custom Marathon Plan: Week 2 Day 2

Too stormy tonight to run outside, so no option but to run on the treadmill today. Actually, it’s a pretty good option to have especially due to the nature of the workout tonight:

Week 2, Day 2
Phase: Base
Workout: 15 to 30 minute Warm Up, Stride Workout: 8 to 10 times 20 seconds starting at 5k and progressing down to Mile race effort with 1 minute recovery jog between each, 15 to 30 minute Cool Down
Purpose: Build Sprint – leg turnover and lactic acid tolerance.
Comments: Strides are NOT all-out sprints but are short periods of faster running starting at around 5K race pace and getting faster to around mile race pace (95% of top speed).
Warmed up for 20 minutes at a nice easy pace and gentle incline, before hitting the 20 second repeats with a full minute recovery between each. I managed to progressively increase the speed as called for in the plan, and by the 7th or 8th one it was kind of hard to stay on the treadmill!

It was definitely good to be done with the workout and the 20 minute cool down helped flush the lactic acid out of my legs. Felt much better than yesterday; I guess it was just “one of those days”…

4 thoughts on “McMillan Custom Marathon Plan: Week 2 Day 2”

  1. Last week was every day. I just looked at the program and my next day off is September 1st. Actually it’s an optional day off; the plan says I can run 20-30 minutes easy if I want. How generous eh?

    To be honest, I’m ok with running every day of the week. As long as I have easy recovery days built in, I’ll be fine, and if I do overdo it, I won’t be afraid to take a day off.

    Nothing like a good challenge eh?



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