A Dozen Reasons To Run

1. Heart: Your heart gets bigger, more efficient and more healthy in response to regular training.
2. Body Composition: Regular running reduces your fat percentage, whilst toning muscle.
3. Blood Pressure: Within a few weeks of training your blood pressure will begin to drop.
4. Blood Cholesterol: The ratio of good to bad cholesterol (HDL/LDL) improves with regular training. Total levels should also drop.
5. Calorie Burning: Running is arguably the simplest and most effective way to burn calories, which in turn helps you lose weight.
6. Muscle Tone: Running tones every muscle in your lower body, including the glutes, quads, calves, and hips. Your core and upper body will get a decent workout too.
7. Stress: Stress levels can be reduced with a regular running regime.
8. Sleep: Regular exercise will improve sleep habits and reduce anxiety.
9. Bone Density: Moderate impact during running will make your bones more dense, which helps halt and even reverse the anti-aging process.
10. Achievement: Everyone can improve their fitness levels and running ability by following a structured training plan, regardless of age. This will give a great sense of achievement as you improve your ability and fitness.
11. Self-esteem: Confidence and self-esteem have been shown to improve in response to regular running.
12. Equipment: Running requires minimal equipment. Just lace up a suitable pair of running shoes and head out the door.

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