Tuesday Treadmill Workout: Cheetah Fast!

No time for a combined bike/run workout tonight, so decided on a quality treadmill run instead, courtesy of Troy Jacobson and one of his Runervals DVD’s. I wanted something longer than either of the two 30 minute Time Saver workouts, and thought Cheetah Fast would be a nice challenge – it’s been a while since I last did this one!

The basics of the workout are as follows:

1. Warm up at Base Pace (BP) for a short amount of time. Coach Troy suggests several example paces based on your current 5k race time, but feel free to select a comfortable, but challenging speed of your own. You may also like to warm up a little on your own before starting the DVD – I never feel fully prepared after Troy’s short warm up. Oh yes, the incline of the treadmill should be set at zero for the warm up.

2. Next up is a three minute “tempo” interval at BP + 3mph. You still keep the incline at 0%, but the faster speed is designed to get you ready for the tough stuff. Your heart rate will steadily rise, but it should still feel comfortable.

3. Coach Troy then treats you to a BP recovery period, but I can’t remember how long this lasts – maybe a minute or two I think.

4. Here we go with the first pyramid. Make sure you’re well hydrated and I’d recommend having a towel handy if you’re one of those treadmill sweaters like me.

30 sec: BP + 5mph, 5% incline
30 sec off: same speed, 0% incline
60 sec: BP + 4mph, 4% incline
30 sec: same speed, 0% incline
90 sec: BP + 4mph, 3% incline
30 sec: same speed, 0% incline
2 minutes: BP + 3mph, incline 2%
30 sec: BP + 3mph, 0% incline
90 sec: BP + 4mph, 3% incline
30 sec: same speed, 0% incline
60 sec: BP + 4mph, 4% incline
30 sec: same speed, 0% incline
30 sec: BP + 5mph, 5% incline
30 sec: same speed, 0% incline

The set lasts about 11 minutes, but goes really fast. You need to stay focused but don’t worry if it looks complicated – there are plenty of audio cues from Troy and visual cues on-screen. At the end of the set my heart rate was around 170 beats per minute, so although I was working hard I knew I still had something left in the tank.

5. Another two minute recovery period. Again, I must stress, remember to drink and stay hydrated. Water is fine, but I personally prefer a sports drink to help stave off potential cramps.

6. Here we go again with another pyramid, which happens to be exactly the same as the first – same speed, same incline. Always one for a challenge, I increased my base pace by 0.5mph 🙂 I actually find the second pyramid just as easy, if not easier, than the first one. Maybe it’s because I’ve warmed up and my muscles are operating more efficiently? Who knows…

7. The second pyramid is followed by two minutes of rest (trust me, you’ll need it!), and Coach Troy uses the break to explain the “Power Set” which comprises of 3 x 90 seconds on, 1 minute off as follows:

30 sec: BP + 5mph, 3% incline
30 sec: BP + 5mph, 4% incline
30 sec: BP + 5mph, 5% incline
1 minute off at BP, 0% incline

30 sec: BP + 5mph, 4% incline
30 sec: BP + 5mph, 5% incline
30 sec: BP + 5mph, 6% incline
1 minute off at BP, 0% incline

30 sec: BP + 5mph, 5% incline
30 sec: BP + 5mph, 6% incline
30 sec: BP + 5mph, 7% incline

Naturally, each 90 seconds is more difficult than the previous one, and you begin to wonder if you’ll make it to the end of the last 30 seconds. Somehow I always do (maybe it’s the lure of the 60 seconds recovery period?) but before you know it, you’re off again at the same speed and a steeper incline. The last 90 seconds is a real test and you end up at 5mph over your base pace at an incline of 7%. Nice…

8. Now you can dial down the speed and enjoy a recovery period of 5-6 minutes, which for me is a great chance to drink and dry myself off. Cheetah Fast really gets you working and you’re guaranteed one of the best indoor workouts imaginable.

My heart rate at the end of the workout was a fairly high 176 beats per minute, not quite my max, but only a few beats away. It will be interesting to see how high it goes next time I complete the workout and should be a good indicator or an increase in fitness.

What’s your favorite treadmill workout? Do you own any of the Runervals DVD’s? Are there any similar products out there you can recommend? I’m not the biggest fan of treadmill running, but I do like to maximize my time on the belt if I have to stay indoors.

8 thoughts on “Tuesday Treadmill Workout: Cheetah Fast!”

  1. Looks like a fantastic interval workout! You were really working hard. Another great workout!

    Hahahaha, I won’t answer your question about my favorite treadmill workout, because I think you already know the answer to THAT one. LOL. But seriously, I did a very similar interval workout on the treadmill about a year ago (OK, no comments on the time lapse!), & it was highly effective. If I can track down the name of it, I’ll post it in the comments section here.

    In the inevitable occasion that I’ll have to resort to treadmill running this winter (#$*&#@$%!), I’ll give the Cheetah Fast routine a try. 😉

    Thanks for mentioning this workout!

  2. Yes it was hard work (it always is), but looking back, very enjoyable.

    Next time I’ll need to increase my base price a little bit, just to eek out a bit more from the workout.

    Fun, fun, fun…

    Thanks for the comment!


  3. Steve,

    While it looks like a good workout, I would suggest always keeping the incline at a minimum of 1% (I never go below 2%) when you are running on it.

    This will force you to lean forward a little as you are running, which prevents you from hyperextending your back as your leg gets pulled behind you by the belt.

  4. Wow. That just seems like way too much work! Maybe if I had someone standing next to me pushing all the right controls at the right time, then maybe I could do it. Ha-ha.

  5. Dave: nah, it’s not too much work. The hardest part is trying to slow it down when the speed and incline are ramped up 🙂

    I guess I could always program the steps into my treadmill and save it as a custom workout too?

    Have a good weekend!



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