Four Million Steps: Tommy’s At It Again…

Just a few shorts weeks ago, Tommy Neeson was forced to postpone his epic Four Million Steps charity run from Bangor, Maine to Miami, Florida with a pretty nasty calf injury and swollen leg symptoms.

The past few days, however, Tommy has been out and about, testing his injured calf and assessing whether he can continue with the run. Today I ran 8 miles of the Norfolk, VA to Suffolk, VA leg with Tommy and it looks like he will resume his charity run on Tuesday; kicking off in Suffolk, VA and hopefully ending up in Miami some time next month.

The 8 miles was enjoyable at a nice easy pace, and probably about one quarter of the actual distance Tommy covered today. I must admit, after yesterday’s 20 miler, an easy 8 was just about enough for me.

Good luck Tommy in your trip down south. It’s an awful long way, but if anyone can do it, you can…

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