Hundred Push Ups Week 6 Day 1

Week 6 Day 1

Decided to get the push ups out of the way early this morning. Felt like a good idea at the time, but I forgot how much I struggle with strength work in the mornings. Oh well, maybe I’ll remember next time.

Required: 45 55 35 30 at least 55
Actual: 45 55 35 30 55 (just)

I guess the first 45 weren’t too bad, but the 55 was a killer. The only thing that kept me going was knowing I only had 35 to do in the third set. The 35 was a struggle and the set of 30 that followed not any easier. I took an extra minute before attempting the final 55 and somehow gutted out each and every one of the push ups.

Nice total of 220 push ups for the day. At least Day 2 and 3 are somewhat less challenging. See you Friday….

Evening update: This doesn’t warrant a full post, so just a quick line to log my 6 mile run and third day of the 30 Day Shred. Good news: the shred is getting easier!

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